Lady Macbeth says that death is nothing to fear and that she will do the deed. They must lie there. Macbeth Act 2 (Notes) Scene 1 Line 14Banquo (Macbeth's best friend & present when the witches gave their prophecies) states Macbeth refused to smear the grooms with blood because _____. How does the wounded captain/Sergeant in Act I portray Macbeth? Go, carry them and smear The sleepy grooms with blood. Macbeth used both daggers for the assassination to make sure both would be covered with blood. "Macbeth does murther sleep." What does Macbeth refuse to do? Macbeth does murder sleep"the innocent sleep. She tells Macbeth to go back and "smear the sleepy grooms with blood." Macbeth refuses to go because he is so shook up that he only can stare at his hands. He sees hallucinations of a dagger. " Macbeth refuses to go because he is so shook up that he only can stare at his hands. Macbeth says that he will smear the two grooms of King Duncan's chamber with Duncan's blood to incriminate them. Within the play of Macbeth, Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as ambitious and vicious when she is first introduced in Act 1 Scene 5. She reenacts the scene when she washed the blood from her hands and it tells us . [Enter LADY MACBETH] LADY MACBETH: That which hath made . MACBETH One cried "God bless us" and "Amen" the other, As they had seen me with these hangman's hands, "Sleep no more, Macbeth does murder sleep." Why does Lady Macbeth want her husband to smear the sleeping grooms with Duncan's blood? The court of Macbeth's castle. He wants his blood that is on his hands which is full of his sickness and his nervousness off, "Will all great Neptunes ocean wash this blood / clean from my hand?" But they did say their prayers and addressed them 35 Again to sleep. There are various influences on Lady Macbeth, but the letter from Macbeth telling her about the witches and the prophecies has the most effect. She tells him to 'go carry (the daggers), and smear the sleepy grooms with blood', and when he refuses she shows no remorse by taking the daggers herself. Lady Macbeth smearing the blood onto the guards represents them trying to rub their guilt off onto the guard. Macbeth, set primarily in Scotland, mixes witchcraft, prophecy, and murder. MACBETH 30 There's one did laugh in 's sleep, and one cried "Murder!" That they did wake each other. She says the blood can easily be washed away; this indicates she feels little or no _______ Guilt, remorse, regret The insistence of the noise becomes so loud Macbeth states it could awaken the dead king. 'Tis the eye of childhood That fears a painted devil. The blood that was shed disturbs her conscience so much that she can t hide from it. Macbeth was to commit the murder, smear the sleeping grooms with Duncan's blood, and leave the daggers at the scene. I am afraid to think what I have done. 4 4 customer reviews. What is Macbeth afraid of? Macbeth believes if he were to wash his hands in the ocean, the blood would turn the water red rather than cleanse his hands of the blood. Lady Macbeth would back up Macbeth for whenever he made a mistake. In Act 2 Scene 2 of the Shakespearean play, Macbeth stabbed King Duncan I to death. As seen in the scene, the sight of blood makes Macbeth more fearful of what he is done but, in contrast, Lady Macbeth believes "a little water clears us of this deed" (2. this is false because Macbeth could have always said 'no' to his wife and refused to kill Duncan. Who accompanies Banquo at the opening of Act II? What is Macbeth's hallucination before he murders Duncan? Macbeth: Act 2, Scene 2. Lady Macbeth is surprised because he is flustered from the deed and he is still holding the daggers. Answer: Lady Macbeth says "It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness" and "Art not without ambition, but without The illness should attend it." this highlights that Macbeth has ambition but doesn't have the nerve to carry it through, luckily lady Macbeth is man enough for the both of them. Macbeth says that he will smear the two grooms of King Duncan's chamber with Duncan's blood to incriminate them. The sleeping and the dead 70 Are but as pictures. Go carry them & smear the sleepy grooms with blood.'' Macbeth is being told to take the daggers back to King Duncan's room but he refuses to go as he feels guilty for what he had done and did not want to see what he has done and he is scared of what he has done. The same. Then at the end, just as the Great Chain of being is restored, so is the meaning of honor to blood. Lady Macbeth smearing the blood onto the guards represents them trying to rub their guilt off onto the guard. Macbeth thought he heard ______ while he was murdering Duncan. This conversation shows that our beloved king's murder was definitely premeditated. Why did you bring these daggers from the place? He will not be able to wash all the blood off his hands. 3. Macbeth consequently refuses but he could have stood up for himself more. (l.112-115). . the porter. Throughout the play, Lady Macbeth seems to be more motivated and an evil character than Macbeth himself. 64.) Macbeth refused to smear the grooms with blood because he was afraid to return to the scene of the murder The steady knocking on the castle door was done by Macduff and Lennox Duncan's body was discovered by Macduff The grooms were killed by Macbeth When Lady Macbeth "learned" of the deaths in the castle, she pretended to feel faint Imagery, the art of making images, the products of imagination. Macduff and Lennox. Give me the daggers. His own greed is what made him . 53-57) Lady Macbeth is calling Macbeth out on the fact that he refuses to go back, she tells him they are out cold and will not stir. Lady Macbeth smears the blood on the grooms men. What does the imagined voice say to Macbeth? Give me the daggers. Malcolm. The sleepy grooms with blood. Lady Macbeth because he cannot say "amen" b. Donalbain ____ 9. is frightened . What does the imagined voice say to Macbeth? He fears sleep for he thinks that he shall never sleep again. Macduff and Lennox. 64.) Lady Macbeth tries to steel him as he talks of how he . , Act 2, Scene 2. . Blood begins as a sign of honor, yet quickly changes to treachery. The play Macbeth is written by William Shakespeare, which is a tragedy. 6. Lady Macbeth returns from relaxing the bloodied weapons and her reaction to the blood on her hands is a stark contrast to her husbands. . Macbeth: Act 2, Scene 2. Scene 2, line58-9 - go carry them and smear the sleepy grooms . Macbeth refused to smear the grooms with blood because. Macbeth comes out of Duncan's room, his hands covered in blood, nerve-racked and terrified. His own greed is what made him . c) This bothers Lady Macbeth because he was supposed to keep the daggers there so they could frame the guards. Inadvertently, he walked away with the urder weapons still in his hands. He was supposed to leave the daggers with the grooms, but he was in one of his trance-like states and. He refuses to go back to the dead servants and smear them with blood. She tells Macbeth to go back and "smear the sleepy grooms with blood." Macbeth refuses to go because he is so shook up that he only can stare at his hands. He wants his blood that is on his hands which is full of his sickness and his nervousness off, "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood / clean from my hand? To make it look like the guards killed Duncan Lady Macbeth notices that Macbeth still has the murder weapons in his hands, and she yells at him to finish his work and frame the guards. . Scene 2, line58-9 - go carry them and smear the sleepy grooms . Macbeth seems very guilty by what he has just done and tells his wife he cannot go back in there to finish the job. Shakespeare's use of blood produces a tangible symbol to which all can relate too. 'You do unbound your noble strength to think so brainsickly of things'. Macbeth thinks what he has done is a terrible thing when he looks at his hands, "This is a sorry sight," although he has brought the daggers out with him which scares Lady Macbeth. Macbeth hesitated to murder Duncan because. It was a foreshadow and could be a sign of something bad to happen. She drugs the grooms in the king's bedchamber, and Macbeth stabs the sleeping Duncan, killing him. (Act 2, Scene 2) . He tells her that he thought he heard . "Macbeth does murther sleep." What does Macbeth refuse to do? MACBETH 65 I'll go no more. View Macbeth Act 2 Notes (1).docx from ENG MISC at St. John's University. this is false because Macbeth could have always said 'no' to his wife and refused to kill Duncan. The killing of Duncan begins Macbeth s path to insanity. Duncan's body was discovered by. The doors are open. If he do bleed, Copy. Macbeth announces that he has done the deed, but he is so shaken by the murder that he brings the bloody daggers with him, and Lady Macbeth takes them from him, to place them with the sleeping grooms. That same blood again changes meaning to guilt, a guilt felt by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Macbeth is actually committing the murder. 57-60.). Enter Macbeth. Macbeth refuses to smear the grooms with blood because: He is afraid to go back into the room: The knocking on the gate is done by: Macduff and Lennox: The grooms are killed by: Macbeth: Maclom flees the country because: He fears that he might be murdered: Banquo is killed by: Murders hired by Macbeth: Macbeth is distressed by Fleances escape . Thus it would appear that these men in Duncan's chamber, covered with Duncan's. Hands are always mentioned in reference to an entire body's movements. Enter Lady Macbeth. Duncan's body was discovered by. As with the ethereal dagger, the ghost of Banquo appears to come and go, propelling Macbeth into alternating fits of courage and despair. Lady Macbeth. I stood and heard them. Macbeth refuses and Lady Macbeth goes to finish the deed. 2 times: . "lo. This conversation shows that our beloved king's murder was definitely premeditated. What is Macbeth afraid of? She tells Macbeth to go back and "smear the sleepy grooms with blood. 2. Banquo's lines about the stars which is "It is past midnight, the moon has set, and the "candles" of heaven the stars cannot be seen." recall an earlier statement of Macbeth in Act 1 scene 4, "Stars hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires."It means that the night was too gloomy. He basically says that upon finding that the grooms had killed the King, he was overcome with passion and killed them. . MACBETH I'll go no more: I am afraid to think what I have done; Look on't again I dare not. Her words in lines [14, 15] show that she had been in this room after the king had gone to sleep. Lady Macbeth is surprised because he is flustered from the deed and he is still holding the daggers. This happened because Macbeth didn't want to shed anymore blood (kill people) than he already has and because more bloodshed is more guilt. 'Tis the eye of childhood That fears a painted devil. . Fleance is the one who accompanies Banquo. He is already feeling guilty. It is important that the daggers be at the crime scene because . I am afraid to think what I have done. (Act 2, Scene 2) . Lady Macbeth smears the grooms or personal servants of Duncan with his blood and Macbeth uses their daggers to commit the murder. Act II continued Why does Macbeth refuse to go put the daggers back in the king's chamber? d) Lady Macbeth takes the daggers back to the room and smears the blood. This is ironic because Macbeth did not have any love for Duncan, only envy. His wife chided him . (Act 2, Scene 2) Macbeth refuses to go back because he does not want to. Look on't again I dare not. LADY MACBETH Infirm of purpose! LADY MACBETH There are two lodged together. he was afraid to return to the scene of the murder. The plan was for Macbeth to murder Duncan with both of the two grooms' daggers and then smear their faces with the king's blood so that they will look guilty. Macbeth Act II Brief Synopsis - Act II Banquo resists any thoughts that might hasten the witches' prophecy that his children will be kings. Lady Macbeth attempts to alter Macbeth's remorse through flattery, referring to his 'noble strength', where she attempts to restore his self-esteem, even . Elsewhere in the castle, however, lady Macbeth is steeling her husband to kill the king. What gift for Lady Macbeth did Duncan entrust to Banquo? The steady knocking on the castle door was done by. Even when Macbeth refused to kill Duncan, Lady Macbeth had to constantly manipulate Macbeth. Get on your nightgown, lest occasion call us. They must lie there: go carry them; and smear The sleepy grooms with blood. he was afraid to return to the scene of the murder . Macbeth. Best Answer. Macbeth believes if he were to wash his hands in the ocean, the blood would turn the water red rather than cleanse his hands of the blood. Lady Macbeth s guilt reflects her husband s insane state. They plan to run his blood on them and use their daggers. 57-60.). Lady Macbeth: How many times does Banquo's ghost appear? The steady knocking on the castle door was done by. He is desperate because he is willing to kill his friends to gain the crown and he has other murders on the line (doesn't want to get caught). When she gives him instructions to wash up and smear the bloody daggers on the grooms she continues to order him around. Lady Macbeth has already drugged them. Act 2 scene 2 shows that Macbeth is in misery. Lady Macbeth waits for Macbeth to return; she is nervous, realizing that success gives them everything, but failure will be the end of them. Lady Macbeth directs her husband to think differently about his crime, through belittling his horror and fear. (Act 2, Scene 2) Macbeth refuses to go back because he does not want to look at what he has done. How do the murderers plan to place the blame on Duncan's groom's? Lady Macbeth is the one of the main reasons the play played out like it did. His own greed is what made him . Lady Macbeth presumes that by washing away the blood from the daggers it will clear the evidence as well as the whole situation and make them forget. They must lie there: go carry them; and smear The sleepy grooms with blood. Macbeth recomposes himself and returns to the table. Why? Macbeth comes out of Duncan's room, his hands covered in blood, nerve-racked and terrified. Macbeth thinks what he has done is a terrible thing when he looks at his hands, "This is a sorry sight," although he has brought the daggers out with him which scares Lady Macbeth. and does not . He wants his blood that is on his hands which is full of his sickness and his nervousness off, "Will all great Neptunes ocean wash this blood / clean from my hand?" Who smears the grooms with blood? (listed from least to most), Each detail is his imagery, it seems to contain an important symbol of the play. When Banquo announces that he will fight . The use of "hand" imagery in Macbeth, by Shakespeare, is often used to symbolize interpersonal relationships and actions. They must lie there: go carry them and smear the sleepy grooms with blood." 2.2 49-53. His wife refused to give one of the witches her chesnuts. Retire we to our chamber. The court of Macbeth's castle. Lady Macbeth waits for Macbeth to return; she is nervous, realizing that success gives them everything, but failure will be the end of them. He refuses to go back to the dead servants and smear them with blood. the person chiefly responsible for planning Duncan's murder was. He says that No amount of water will be able to wash away the blood (as if blood were guilt) When Lady returns, she tells him to wash off all of the . Shakespeare uses imagery of blood and sleep to create an atmosphere of horror. If he do bleed, Go, get some . The sleeping and the dead 70 Are but as pictures. After the murder, Macbeth refuses to return back to the bed chamber of Kind Duncan to smear the blood on the sleeping guards, because he is afraid that the blood will incriminate him further.

macbeth refused to smear the grooms with blood because 2022